Beginning C# 7 Programming with Visual Studio 2017

(CSharp-VS-2017) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-007-2
This course includes
Hands-On Labs
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About This Course

The Beginning C# Programming with Visual Studio 2017 course and lab will help you to learn C#. Lab simulates real-world, hardware, software, and command-line interface environments and can be mapped to any text-book, course, or training. This C# training course provides an understanding of concepts like functions, debugging, error handling, cloud programming, defining classes, defining class members, desktop programming, and more. The C# tutorial has the best learning resources to help you understand the basic and advanced C# concepts.

Skills You’ll Get

Why Enroll in This Course?


Interactive Lessons

26+ Interactive Lessons | 234+ Quizzes | 200+ Flashcards | 200+ Glossary of terms

Gamified TestPrep

56+ Pre Assessment Questions | 52+ Post Assessment Questions |

Hands-On Labs

69+ LiveLab | 36+ Video tutorials | 00+ Minutes



  • Who This Course Is For
  • What This Course Covers
  • How This Course Is Structured
  • What You Need To Use This Course
  • Conventions

Introducing C#

  • What is the .NET Framework?
  • What is C#?
  • Visual Studio 2017

Writing a C# Program

  • The Visual Studio 2017 Development Environment
  • Console Applications
  • Desktop Applications

Variables and Expressions

  • Basic C# Syntax
  • Basic C# Console Application Structure
  • Variables
  • Expressions
  • Exercises

Flow Control

  • Boolean Logic
  • Branching
  • Looping
  • Exercises

More About Variables

  • Type Conversion
  • Complex Variable Types
  • String Manipulation
  • Exercises


  • Defining and Using Functions
  • Variable Scope
  • The Main() Function
  • Struct Functions
  • Overloading Functions
  • Using Delegates
  • Exercises

Debugging and Error Handling

  • Debugging in Visual Studio
  • Error Handling
  • Exercises

Introducing to Object-Oriented Programming

  • What is Object‐Oriented Programming?
  • OOP Techniques
  • OOP in Desktop Applications
  • Exercises

Defining Class

  • Class Definitions in C#
  • System.Object
  • Constructors and Destructors
  • OOP Tools in Visual Studio
  • Class Library Projects
  • Interfaces Versus Abstract Classes
  • Struct Types
  • Shallow Copying versus Deep Copying
  • Exercises

Defining Class Members

  • Member Definitions
  • Additional Class Member Topics
  • Interface Implementation
  • Partial Class Definitions
  • Partial Method Definitions
  • Example Application
  • The Call Hierarchy Window
  • Exercises

Collections, Comparisons, and Conversions

  • Collections
  • Comparisons
  • Conversions
  • Exercises


  • What are Generics?
  • Using Generics
  • Variance
  • Exercises

Additional C# Techniques

  • The :: Operator and the Global Namespace Qualifier
  • Custom Exceptions
  • Events
  • Expanding and Using Cardlib
  • Attributes
  • Initializers
  • Type Inference
  • Anonymous Types
  • Dynamic Lookup
  • Advanced Method Parameters
  • Lambda Expressions
  • Exercises

Basic Desktop Programming

  • XAML
  • The Playground
  • Control Layout
  • The Game Client
  • Exercises

Advanced Desktop Programming

  • Creating and Styling Controls
  • WPF User Controls
  • The Main Window
  • Putting it All Together
  • Exercises

Basic Cloud Programming

  • The Cloud, Cloud Computing, and the Cloud Optimized Stack
  • Cloud Patterns and Best Practices
  • Using Microsoft Azure C# Libraries to Create a Storage Container
  • Creating an ASP.NET 4.7 Web Site that uses the Storage Container
  • Exercises

Advanced Cloud Programming and Deployment

  • Creating an ASP.NET Web API
  • Deploying and Consuming an ASP.NET Web API on Microsoft Azure
  • Scaling an ASP.NET Web API on Microsoft Azure
  • Exercises

.Net Standard and .Net Core

  • Cross‐Platform Basics and Key “Must Know” Terms
  • What is .NET Standard, and Why Is It Needed?
  • Referencing and Targeting Frameworks
  • What Is .Net Core?
  • Building and Packaging a .Net Standard Library
  • Building a .Net Core Application with Visual Studio
  • Porting from .Net Framework to .Net Core

ASP.Net and ASP.Net Core

  • Overview of Web Applications
  • Which ASP.NET to Use and Why
  • Using ASP.NET Web Forms
  • Creating ASP.NET Core Web Applications


  • File Classes for Input and Output
  • Streams
  • Monitoring the File System
  • Exercises


  • XML Basics
  • JSON Basics
  • XML Schemas
  • XML Document Object Model
  • Converting XML to JSON
  • Searching XML with XPath
  • Exercises


  • LINQ to XML
  • LINQ Providers
  • LINQ Query Syntax
  • LINQ Method Syntax
  • Ordering Query Results
  • Understanding the Orderby Clause
  • Querying a Large Data Set
  • Using Aggregate Operators
  • Using the Select Distinct Query
  • Ordering by Multiple Levels
  • Using Group Queries
  • Using Joins
  • Exercises


  • Using Databases
  • Installing SQL Server Express
  • Entity Framework
  • A Code First Database
  • But Where Is My Database?
  • Navigating Database Relationships
  • Handling Migrations
  • Creating and Querying XML from an Existing Database
  • Exercises

Windows Communication Foundation

  • What Is WCF?
  • WCF Concepts
  • WCF Programming
  • Exercises

Universal Apps

  • Getting Started
  • Windows Universal Apps
  • App Concepts and Design
  • App Development
  • Common Elements of Windows Store Apps
  • The Windows Store
  • Exercises


Introducing C#

  • Sandbox Visual Studio 2017

Writing a C# Program

  • Creating a Simple Console Application
  • Creating a Simple Windows Application

Variables and Expressions

  • Using Simple Type Variables 
  • Manipulating Variables with Mathematical Operators
  • Finding the largest number

Flow Control

  • Using Boolean Operators
  • Using the if Statement
  • Understanding operator precedence
  • Using the if-else double-selection statement
  • Using the switch statement
  • Using the switch statement with the string
  • Using the do-while Loop
  • Using the while loop
  • Using the while loop for printing the Fibonacci series
  • Using the if-else statement within the while loop
  • Understanding the do-while loop
  • Using the do-while loop
  • Using the for loop - Part 1
  • Using the for loop - Part 2
  • Obtaining the sum of even numbers using the for loop
  • Using the nested for loop for printing a pattern

More About Variables

  • Implementing Type Conversion
  • Using an Enumeration
  • Using a Struct
  • Using an Array
  • Understanding one-dimensional array
  • Initializing an array and using linear search
  • Converting a String to an Array
  • Comparing strings
  • Extracting a substring from a string
  • Concatenating strings
  • Converting a string to lower case
  • Using the Replace function
  • Converting a string to upper case
  • Using the trim function


  • Defining a Basic Function
  • Exchanging Data with a Function
  • Understanding functions - Part 1
  • Understanding functions - Part 2
  • Creating multiple arguments in a function
  • Understanding the variable scope
  • Using the delegate Keyword
  • Using the delegate Keyword to Call a Function

Debugging and Error Handling

  • Learning the using Statement
  • Handling an Exception
  • Using the finally Block

Introducing to Object-Oriented Programming

  • Working with objects
  • Understanding inheritance
  • Using polymorphism
  • Understanding constructor overloading
  • Using Objects

Defining Class

  • Defining Classes
  • Using access modifiers
  • Learning about Classes Versus Structs

Defining Class Members

  • Using Fields and Properties
  • Using Nested Classes

Collections, Comparisons, and Conversions

  • Using Collections
  • Implementing an Iterator
  • Using the is Operator
  • Using ArrayList


  • Using a List
  • Sorting a List

Additional C# Techniques

  • Implementing a Lambda Expression


  • Creating a Sequential-Access Text File
  • Reading Data from a Sequential-Access Text File
  • Creating a Sequential-Access File Using Object Serialization


  • Converting LINQ to XML
  • Creating a LINQ Program

Why Do Learners Love This Course?

If you are new to .NET, then I would recommend learning C# from uCertify. I have personally gone through their C# 7 course, and they really have awesome material in their course. They have covered all the concepts of C# along with .NET architecture as well as cloud topics. Their quizzes, assessments, and performance labs are great features to clear the concepts and to learn the coding in a very optimized and clean way.

Aman Sahni
Aman Sahni
Technology Analyst

The uCertify CSharp course walks you through everything you need to know, starting from the very basics, to have you programming in no time. The course focuses on the basic and advanced concepts of C# programming and provides hands-on learning with interactive learning resources. I would like to recommend this course to everyone who wants to learn CSharp.

Ali Murtaza
Ali Murtaza
iOS and ANDROID Developer

Beginning C# 7 Programming with Visual Studio 2017

$ 279.99

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