Beginning jQuery

(begin-jquery) / ISBN : 978-1-61691-440-0
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About This Course

Use the Beginning jQuery course to gain expertise in all the techniques and methodologies used in jQuery. This jQuery tutorial covers all the topics of jQuery code such as animation, Ajax with jQuery, DOM manipulation with jQuery, traversing with DOM, writing jQuery plug-in, Ajax image slider, and many more. The course comes with the best jQuery tutorials and interactive learning resources that teach all the basic and advanced concepts required for programming with jQuery.

Skills You’ll Get

Interactive Lessons

11+ Interactive Lessons | 100+ Exercises | 47+ Quizzes |

Gamified TestPrep

15+ Pre Assessment Questions | 2+ Full Length Tests | 40+ Post Assessment Questions | 80+ Practice Test Questions


JavaScript You Need to Know

  • Using JavaScript on a Web Page
  • Syntax Conventions
  • Variables
  • Functions
  • Conditionals
  • Debugging with the Console
  • Arrays
  • Loops
  • More console.log( )
  • Summary

The Basics of jQuery

  • The Document Object Model (DOM)
  • Downloading jQuery
  • The jQuery API Documentation
  • Writing Some jQuery
  • Summary

Traversing the DOM

  • CSS Selectors in jQuery
  • Traversal Methods
  • Further Traversal
  • Chaining Methods
  • Further Filtering
  • Summary

DOM Manipulation with jQuery

  • CSS
  • animate() and Animation Convenience Methods
  • Attributes and Properties
  • text( ) and html( )
  • Removing Elements from the DOM
  • Creating New Elements
  • Inserting into the DOM
  • Efficient DOM Insertion
  • Summary

An Introduction to Events

  • Popular Events
  • Interacting with the Element
  • Triggering Events
  • Unbinding from Events
  • The Event Object
  • Building an Accordion
  • Summary

More Events

  • Event Delegation
  • Event Propagation
  • Preventing Default Behavior
  • Your Own Events
  • The Accordion, Take 2
  • Summary


  • The animate( ) Method
  • More Convenience Methods
  • The Animation Queue
  • Fixing Your Accordion
  • The Image Slider
  • Summary

Ajax with jQuery

  • JSON
  • Parsing JSON in JavaScript
  • Ajax with jQuery
  • A Real API: Dribbble
  • Summary

Writing a jQuery Plug-in

  • Why a Plug-in?
  • Your First jQuery Plug-in
  • Improvements
  • Immediately-Invoked Function Expressions
  • Giving the User Options
  • Adding Options to Your Plug-ins
  • The Accordion Plug-in
  • Adding Callback Support
  • Summary

More jQuery Plug-ins

  • The Dribbble API Plug-in
  • The getShots method
  • Improving getShots
  • Minifying Your Code
  • More Refactoring
  • Documentation
  • Summary

A jQuery Image Slider

  • Plan of Attack
  • Project Setup
  • Plug-in Setup
  • Infinitely Looping
  • Catch Up
  • Keeping Track
  • Keyboard Support
  • Automatic Animation
  • Bug Fixing
  • Summary
  • Conclusion

Why Do Learners Love This Course?

I'm very sure that uCertify's PrepKit software is a good choice if you are looking for training materials for Begin JQuery certification and will enhance your skills overs all the topics such as animation, Ajax with jQuery, DOM manipulation with jQuery, traversing with DOM, writing jQuery plug-in, Ajax image slider, and many more. Highly Recommendable!

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Beginning jQuery

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