Google Advanced Google AdWords

(google-adwords) / ISBN : 978-1-61691-529-2
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About This Course

Kick start your preparations in online advertising field with Google Advanced Google AdWords course for complete knowledge and good score in AdWord certification exam. The course covers the objectives of Google-AdWord exam which are testing knowledge in the fields of online advertising and adwords. The course will help you gain the expertise in the field of advertising.

Skills You’ll Get

Google-AdWord exam is a very prestigious exam in the area of online advertising. This exam validates your expertise in online advertising, campaign setup and management, measurement, and optimization. It is recommended to have an on job experience using AdWords and managing different types of AdWords campaigns before taking this exam.

Interactive Lessons

17+ Interactive Lessons | 50+ Exercises | 69+ Quizzes | 138+ Flashcards | 138+ Glossary of terms

Gamified TestPrep

40+ Pre Assessment Questions | 2+ Full Length Tests | 40+ Post Assessment Questions | 80+ Practice Test Questions


Understanding Search Theory

  • The Origins of Google AdWords
  • The Psychology of Search
  • Goal Alignment: Google vs. You vs. the Searcher
  • Best Practices for Applying Search Theory

Performing Keyword Research

  • Understanding the Buying Funnel
  • Understanding Keywords
  • Discerning Keyword Match Types
  • Using Negative Match
  • Using Advanced Organizational Techniques
  • Taking Control of Your Ad Display
  • Best Practices for Conducting Keyword Research

Keyword Tools: Extracting Valuable Data from Google

  • AdWords Keyword Planner
  • Google Trends
  • Bing Ads Intelligence
  • Best Practices for Using Keyword Tools

Writing Compelling Ads

  • Do Your Ads Reflect the Search Query?
  • Writing Effective Ads
  • Following Google's Editorial Guidelines
  • Developing Unique Selling Propositions
  • Distinguishing Features and Benefits
  • Employing Themes That Get Clicks
  • Controlling Your Mobile Ads
  • Spicing Up Your Ads with Ad Extensions
  • Showcasing Your Products with PLAs
  • Following the Law: Trademarks
  • The Quest for the Holy Grail of Advertising
  • Best Practices for Writing Compelling Ads

Creating Landing Pages That Convert Searchers into Buyers

  • Does Your Landing Page Answer the Searcher's Question?
  • Everything about Destination URLs
  • Choosing Landing Pages That Increase Conversion Rates
  • Employing Usability, Trust, and Web Technology
  • Best Practices for Landing Pages

Learning Advanced Optimization Techniques

  • Optimizing for Traffic
  • Optimizing for Conversions
  • Best Practices for Advanced Optimization Techniques

Demystifying Quality Score

  • What Is Quality Score?
  • Viewing Your Quality Score
  • Landing Page Quality: Making Your Pages Relevant
  • Estimating Your First Page Bid
  • Understanding the Display Network Quality Score
  • Diagnosing Your Quality Scores
  • Increasing Quality Scores
  • What to Do if Your Quality Score Drops
  • Quality Score FAQs
  • Best Practices for Optimizing Quality Scores

Beyond Text: Employing Image, Video, and Mobile Ads

  • Beyond the Desktop: Creating Mobile Ads
  • Beyond Static Text: Creating Rich Media Ads
  • AdWords Ad Gallery
  • Best Practices for Employing Image, Video, and Mobile Ads

Understanding the Display Network

  • What Is the Display Network?
  • Creating a Successful Display Network Campaign
  • Blocking Your Ads from Being Shown across the Display Network
  • Smart Pricing: Measure Success with Cost per Conversion
  • Using the Display Planner Tool
  • Best Practices for the Display Network

Utilizing Advanced Display Network Techniques

  • Remarketing: Bringing Visitors Back to Your Site
  • Flexible Targeting: Mixing and Matching Every Display Targeting Option
  • Optimizing Your Display Campaigns
  • Creating Scenarios to Understand and Reach Your Target Audience
  • Writing Effective Display Ads
  • Best Practices for Advanced Display Network Advertising

Utilizing Advanced Geographic Targeting Techniques

  • What Is Geographic Targeting?
  • Reaching Users in Specific Locations
  • Location Targeting Considerations
  • Treating Locals and Nonlocals Differently in Your Ad Copy
  • Viewing Geographic Results
  • Geographic Performance Reports
  • Best Practices for Geographic Targeting

Saving Time and Scaling Accounts with AdWords Editor

  • AdWords Editor Overview
  • Scaling Your Account
  • Best Practices for Using AdWords Editor

Devising Profitable Bid Strategies

  • Setting Your Marketing Goals
  • Measuring Results with Google's Conversion-Tracking Code
  • Exploring AdWords Bidding Options
  • Profitable Bidding Strategies
  • Calculating Your Max CPC
  • Bid Modifiers: Automatically Changing Bids by Time, Geography, Devices, and More
  • Understanding Attribution Management
  • Examining AdWords Reports to Make ROAS Bid Decisions
  • Best Practices for Utilizing Profitable Bid Strategies

Organizing Accounts Successfully

  • What Is an AdWords Account?
  • Developing a Successful Campaign Structure
  • Organizing an Ad Group to Increase CTR and Conversion Rates
  • Best Practices for Account Organization Strategies

Implementing Testing Techniques That Will Increase Profits

  • Testing Is Essential to Increasing Profits
  • Testing Ad Copy to Increase Conversions
  • Ad Copy Themes to Spark Your Creativity
  • Testing Landing Pages to Increase Conversions
  • Testing Profit per Click and Profit per Impression
  • AdWords Campaign Experiments
  • Best Practices for Testing Techniques That Will Increase Profits

AdWords Reports: Extracting Actionable Information

  • Choosing General AdWords Report Settings
  • Using Reports to Optimize Your Account
  • Creating Custom Alerts
  • Best Practices for Using AdWords Reports

Step by Step: Creating and Monitoring Your AdWords Account

  • Before You Create Your Account
  • Creating Campaigns
  • Optimizing Ongoing Campaigns
  • Best Practices for Creating and Managing Your AdWords Account

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USD 186

Pricing and taxes may vary from country to country.

The exam is administered by Google at testing centers worldwide. Click here to find a testing center near you.

Question paper is a combination of multiple choice and true and false type questions.

You need to sign up on Google Partners. This is required for the access of Adword certification exams and for getting the certification.

The exam contains around 100 questions.

90 minutes


Retake is applicable after 8 days.

Google adword exam passing score is valid for 12 months. For maintaining the passing score you can must have certification of other Google adword exams like the AdWords fundamentals exam and one of the other advertising exams.

Google Advanced Google AdWords

$ 139.99

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